Friday, May 11, 2007

Relying on God

Okay. So just for a little backround...I just moved across the country about two months ago. Tuesday night of last week was really hard for me, as I was feeling really homesick. I talked to my mom about it and this is what i realized:
In this move, God has really been teaching me to rely fully on him. I don't have friends here yet, and I don't get to see my friends from back at 'home' more than twice a year. I don't have the fallback of friends. I realized that I used to not have to rely completely on God, because I could just rely on my friends to give me a hug or an encouraging word, or just to be a listening ear. God wants to be that listening ear. He wants to be the Comforter...He wants to be our Provider....and more...He wants to be everything that we need. Some things to consider:
1. Are you relying fully on God?
2. What things come in the way of you completely relying on Him? (For me it was friends...for you it may be something totally different)
3. What steps do you need to make to rely on God more? (They don't need to be as drastic as moving across the country, but the could be if that is what God is leading you to do)
Feel free to post a comment! I would like to hear everyone's answers.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Thank you for that great reminder. I've felt that loneliness after a move, and I know I wasn't depending on God. This is definitely an area in which I need to grow. Isn't it cool how God teaches us things!

~Ali Joy(a Rebelutionary)