Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Who Am I?

So many people in our society are trying to figure out who they really are on the inside. Many people take the 'easy' way by just modeling themselves after other people as much as they can. I don't believe that God wanted me to exist just to walk in the footsteps of someone who may dress right or act right and may not believe the way I do. I believe that God created me to be me. He doesn't want a robot who follows what others do. People are always trying to find out who they are on the inside...who they are really. When all is said and done. When everyone around them is gone. If you are feeling that way, realize that it isn't just you! I find myself wondering in the late hours of the night who I am. Why am I here? What is my God-given purpose? Who am I really? You have to really look at what you're doing and ask yourself 'why do I act like this?' Is this thing that I am doing because others do it, or is it because it is truly who I am? I would encourage you to evaluate who you are...who you TRULY are when others aren't around. When you don't feel like you have to impress anyone.
In His Love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great post! I have been thinking about this lately...more along the lines of mimicking other Christians. I've come to the conclusion that we end up very unhappy when we do so. They may indeed be living extremely godly lives, but they have a different personality to me. I will just feel 'squashed' if I try and mimick them. If I imitate Christ well, however, I will be living a godly life, but in my way. I think that's what Paul was getting at when he talked about different spiritual gifts.